this is us.
Saturday, August 23, 2008

The check-in timing is confirmed alr !
its after 3pm on monday.

So i was thinking if you people want to either

1) meet at 1pm, have lunch as a class then wait for shuttle bus tgt.
2) have lunch yourself and meet at 2.45pm to wait for the shuttle bus.

( PLEASE DONT BE LATE :/ cause the shuttle bus will be coming at 3.15 pm
and that if you miss that bus, you will have to wait for another hour for the next bus !)

chris thanks you manymany :D

It's just us against the world.

2:09 AM

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
TEEHEE, its CHRIS's turn to post HOHOHO :D
( highlighted red are the main point of the para (: )

okay people of 1AO2, haha chris was thinking of using the extra money ( ms cheong sponsored rmb? ) to buy drinks and snacks for our stay there. is that alright peeps? hmm i guess most prob i will be meeting amelia tan huina from 1AO2 to get the drinks and what not on fri and put everything at her house first. ( since she live at pasir ris ) SO YEAP ! ANYONE WANTS TO COME ALONG ? haha we'll be going to her house area or hougang's shengsiong ( cause its cheaper than ntuc xp ) yupp, save whatever we can la (: money difficult to earn know. haha (:

yeap, and about fahana's idea of getting/doing something for the lecturers rite? you ppl can actually tag on the blog or tell fahananana (: if you ppl wanna do something, we can actually do on the first day la ( but abit rush :/ ) yupp ! i was thinking of printing afew pictures, paste it on some paper or something and mayb ppl write on it?! :)

and and and ACTIVITIES! hmm i heard that alwin have afew not bad games and stuff like that. anyone else? ahhh, chris will be working like almost everyday till chalet so couldnt do much planning :/ but i hope the whole chalet experience will be FUNFUN (: WHOO~ excited or? haha
OKAY, sooo where am i ? Activities, hmm most prob we'll be gettin bikes? to get us from places to places? yupp :D

OH ! and this is a reminder for you peeps ! Please bring money okay? haha xp cause only the dinner on the 2nd night will be provided (: the rest of the days, meals we'll have to find/get/buy for ourselves (: yeapp!

eh, meeting place and time rite? im not soooo sure yet. gotta wait for grace's reply. so ! will update again soon (: but will definitely be meeting at pasir ris mrt yeah ? (:

AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST AH ! ( wait, let me refer to my note book. wrote the things tt i wanna blog about inside (: teehee ) EH ! movie marathon (: OKAY ! i would need to confirm who is bring movies! or else everyone just think that someone will bring and in the end nobody bring :/ haha (: YEAH ! so hmm you can tagg? i dont knw but somehow inform me or fahana or whoever that you'll be bringing (: THANKS !

other than that, i guess i will just update the class blog again when i confirm the meeting place and time yah?

TILL THEN :D see you peeps soon ! ( so sorry for this messy post :/ hope you guys understand what i am saying HAH xp ) loves muchie much much :D

It's just us against the world.

1:22 PM

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Ah! So Kerin was faster than me to update here.
Why you always update first ahhh?
Oh oh I know! Great minds think alike! Hehehehe!

Gosh exams over.

Let me share with you a conversation with my Mom yesterday night.

Farhana: Mom! My exams over!
Mother: Over? Sure or not? Why so fast?
Farhana: Yessssss! I only have 2 exams to sit for.
Mother: Haiya, 2 exams only? Waste time, study all nights long but only 2 papers!
Farhana: Okay la, tomorrow I go school sit for another exam "-"

For your info, that conversation was supposed to be hilarious.
Anyhooos, exams over and every one is talking about it.
How time flies that we have been classmates for a semester!

Chalet is just around the corner, peopleeee!
Anyone who has games activity or just any fun things that we can do during chalet, do voice out okay!
And and, this is the most important thing people, for the second night, we've to think for something special to present to our lovely lecturers :)
Maybe a short skit or some short presentation to entertain and thank them for the past semester they've been with us.
Do contribute ideas okay!

Gosh! I'm very excited already! :D

It's just us against the world.

12:52 PM


Before that, (sorry for this really late entry)
Hope you had fun during your birthday!

It's just us against the world.

1:56 AM

Thursday, August 7, 2008


hahah now everyone is chionging for ITA project! Jia you people :D
Anyway don't forget to pay christine 10 bucks!
And and to tell you the truth i can't wait for the class chalet to come!
And please no no no horror flick, me scare! Right jamie!?!

Goodluck for the mugging and studying for the upcoming examm (:

Not to mention here, 1A02 got champion! yes i know i'm super lack but it's better than not uploading the picture right!

Let's work hard together as a class peeps (:

It's just us against the world.

12:34 PM

Monday, August 4, 2008

(she looks pretty right!?!)

YAY! i love birthday please!

JIA YOU FOR ITA (: and study hard for upcoming exams!

Don't forget to pay chris 10 bucks for the chalet!

It's just us against the world.

4:30 PM

Saturday, August 2, 2008
so sorry ppl, one last thing. if possible ah, do pass me the 10 bucks LATEST BY This coming WED okay? THANKS (: if can, this coming monday during briefing ! THANKS THANKS!

( anw, im chris :D )

It's just us against the world.

12:08 PM

( ZOMG, i cant believe i typing this again :/ )

Hello girls and guy :D Okay firstly, this is the first FIRST time chris is blogging sooooo.. if this post is kinda weird, pardon me yes (:

Okay now, something which you peeps have been looking forward too rite? ( well, at least, i hope. ) haha (: CLASS CHALET ! whoo~ we'll make it a great one yes? and i believe this bonding session will bring our class even closer tgt (: okay, now for the details:

Date: 25th - 27th Aug ( mon till wed )
Venue: Aloha Loyang ( pasir ris area )
Price: $10 each for the chalet

How to get there:
Take train to Pasir Ris MRT station.
Then Shuttle bus from Pasir ris

Pick-up / Drop-off points :
Pasir Ris MRT : Taxi stand facing the main road (near Mac Donald's)
aloha loyang : Outside the Reception Office

2nd way, Walk ( but i dont knw how )
3rd way, cab ! haha (:

( OKAY, im just kidding )

On that day itself i think we'll just all meet up at Pasir ris and make our way down tgt yes? ( of cos, we'll be taking the shuttle bus ) haha (:

okay, let me think what else did i miss. AH YES ! i need to knw the no. of people who is coming and staying yes? either one day, one night or throughout (: just to confirm and MOST IMPORTANTLY, i needa know who will be there on the 26th of aug for the dinner/bbq (:
OH YES ! about the bbq/dinner rite (: it will be provided and yes, so i needa know how many ppl's coming ! Sooooo, this monday rite, i will pass down a piece of paper and you ppl just state the no. of days you ppl coming and on 26th night okay ! (:

AHHH ! oh no, what else, i cant rmb ): hmm AHH, ppl have been asking me like how much money should they bring. okay about that rite, i would say its up to you. but i have to inform you guys that meals on the other days are NOT provided which means you gotta bring money la (: yessh and what else. Oh, most prob we'll be renting bikes so as to get us around the places and all. so yupp i would say about about, 30 bucks min? As in, seriously. its up to you (: for me i would bring about 50 bucks la. if you ppl not enough can borrow from me or something (: YUPP!

As for the activities rite, most prob we will be cycling la, hmm chatting, OH YES ! MOVIE MARATHON ! ( so ppl, if you have like movies, do bring afew yes (: ) OH and ahh, actually i was thinking about hmm getting afew ppl to plan like small games or activites which we can do (: so if anyone wants to volunteer PLEASE DO ! or actually i should say, PPL ! PLEASE VOLUNTEER!

haha (: okay, i think thats about it. ANYMORE QUESTION, ask me on monday la. you can also sms or msn me (:

ANW class (: we gotta thank afew ppl yes?
Thankyou Grace (and uncle) for booking the chalet at a SUPERRR CHEAAPP rate (:
Thankyou (: for sponsoring the dinner/bbq on 26th (:
Thankyou Ms cheong for sponsoring too (:

OH yes, map of the place,

So yeap (: THATS ABOUT IT (: see you peeps on monday!

( yay chris, you're done! first time blogging, so proud of you :D WHOO~ )

It's just us against the world.

11:10 AM

AHHHH ! !@!%$@#$%@$! haha SHEET LA ! i wanted to post about the class chalet thingy and i type HELL LOT EH ! then i accidentally press some dont knw what website then the page jump to that website and when i click back, EVERYTHING IS GONEEEEE ): i gotta like type EVERYTHING AGAIN ! NOOOOO AHHH ):

poor chris :/

It's just us against the world.

11:07 AM

Friday, August 1, 2008
Thank god it's friday (:

So FP's down! Function english test's down too!

But still don't forget to hand in your FP booklet, lastest by 5th august! Put inside the pigeon hole at the HMS office! Do let your mentor sign and chop the stamp, at the attendance signing page at the bottom!

One last assignment = ITA! due date 11 august!

Oh, not to mention, PPCM. Don't forget to do those questions and we have to present it next week (:

Christine, will be updating the chalet details soon!

Meanwhile, don't forget to have fun and rest well during the weekend and study hard for the upcoming exams (: CIAO people!

(I'm not going to post those pictures that was taken this friday afternoon, i think it will very bad of me to do that, cause it's unglam yet funny!) haha but i have to seek permission from them first and if they allow me to post it! i will post it!

Kerin (:

It's just us against the world.

9:30 PM

Welcome, Aloha, Ni hao to the world of 3A02!
3A02 is made up of 24 sexy ladies and a hunk!
Basically, we have survive during the times of assignment and exams for one year and still going on strong.
We are amazing people that always keep the teachers wonder with our capabilities.
We cherish each other's companionship and work together as a class ^___^


Class Rep: KERIN!

Birthday please!
[5th] Amelia Tan
[10th] Christine
[11th] Grace

[9th] Jamie
[12th] Amelia Yap
[23rd] Ai Shan

[13th] Geena
[16th] Shimmie

Oh, no April babies! Huhuh.

[17th] Jia Xin
[23rd] Farhana
[24th] Diana

[23rd] Renaa

[11th] Kerin

[4th] Syairah
[8th] Aishah
[11th] Peiqi

[5th] Guiling
[8th] Claire
[24th] Sharini
[26h] Huihui

[9th] Samantha
[27th] Humairah

Oh, no november babies! Huhuh.

[25th] Aliah & Shannon
[28th] Alwin




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codings reference: Germaine:]
background: k10k
blog host: blogger


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